Author Archives: Sonja Francis

Private Residence, Eastern England.

Our client contacted us via our website as they were having a new kitchen installed and they asked if we could provide a quote for two illuminated splashbacks as well
as installation instructions for their installer.

The installer was very happy with the information provided and the client placed their order. However, the client provided some photographs of their kitchen (which is always of help to us) as they had some queries about the size etc. of the splashbacks. The splashbacks they required were of different sizes and on different walls and as one of the splashbacks was very tall we decided to illuminate it up the sides rather than along the top and bottom edges as this would give better illumination for that particular splashbacks.

These two illuminated splashbacks have colour-changing LEDs in them and have brushed stainless steel frames around them.

Our client is very happy with the result and said “I couldn’t be happier – I am like a kid at Christmas!

Visit our YouTube channel to see this project in action. CLICK HERE

(We are very grateful to our client who kindly provided these images and video)