A London-based construction and refurbishment company contacted us as their client was interested in having a LiteTile unit. However, their client did not want to use the LiteTile as as a splashback – they wanted it to be installed in the front of a breakfast bar. We provided a quote for a LiteTile unit with single colour LEDs and one also with colour-changing LEDs as the client was not sure, at that time, what they wanted. After several telephone calls and discussions with the construction company, we provided another quote for a larger LiteTile unit measuring nearly 3m long and nearly 1m high. Their client was happy with the quote and we received their order. The LiteTile unit has colour-changing LEDs in it and is controlled by an infra-red remote colour control unit. The client also wanted to have the frames painted black – which is not a problem as our frames can be painted to match any RAL or Pantone colour if required). The LiteTile panel was being installed in a flat so we had to ensure that access did not cause a problem on the day of delivery, but the end result is a wonderful feature in this new kitchen and these photos taken by our client during installation show what a great feature a LiteTile can be in a kitchen.
Breakfast Bar, Private Residence, London