Having discovered our website, our client contacted us directly to discuss the possibility of having iluminated splashbacks in his new kitchen. He had spent some considerable time looking for a supplier who could design and install the idea he had had for illuminated splashbacks and was very pleased to find that we built bespoke splashbacks to meet people’s exact requiremnets. As our client wanted to make absolutely sure he was getting exactly what he envisaged, we had several discussions with him about light dissipation, heat-sinking, water-proofing, transparency, control options, power requirements and installation. Having had all his queries answered, our client waited until his new kitchen had been installed (with power cables etc. being left in agreed places) and then he measured the dimensions of the splashbacks required and we provided a quote. Our client decided to have thee LiteTile splashbacks in his kitchen – with a different type of splashback behind the hob. As can be seen from these images kindly sent to us by our client, the LiteTiles have been installed on top of the upstand – as our splashbacks measure just 20mm in depth they are ideal to be installed on top of an upstand. All the splashbacks have colour-changing LEDs in them and are controlled from the same infra-red control unit and change colour or stay on the same colour at the same time. All three splashbacks produce a stunning effect in our client’s kitchen and he is thrilled with the result as this was exactly what he had been looking for.
Private Residence, Essex